SEO Audit and its Real Value

seo audit services
March 2, 2022

6 Min Read

Users often start their journey by typing a query in a search bar, and according to a report by transaction, about 81% of retail shoppers conduct online research before buying. So SEO becomes vital to get the relevant content when they search for it.

SEO(Search Engine Optimization), as the name suggests, is a practice that aims to improve your website’s position on the search engine results page. The higher the website ranking, the more people it reaches. 

In this article, we will talk about what is an SEO Audit, the importance of SEO Audit, and the value proposition of SEO Audit Services we provide. 

Ground of SEO: SEO Audit 

With the competition increasing every second, and competitors coming up with new strategies,  one has to be on his toes to compete and outshine. Now, what in the world is an SEO Audit? SEO audits take a deep dive into your site to evaluate numerous factors that impact your ability to rank in SERPs.  These include on and off-page factors as well as technical factors. Having an SEO Audit helps you gain perspective about the website and assists you to learn the key points about your website, like which keywords are attracting traffic, what strategies are working, and what are used by the competitors. In addition, it also guides you and provides you with analytics of the website that will help you grow your business vitally.

Importance of SEO Audit 

SEO Audit is the first step of all your SEO activities. It is vital to know where you stand, how your strategies have been working, and areas of improvement. Let us dig inside the importance of SEO Audit and why you need it.

Know the strengths and weaknesses :

With the help of SEO Audit, you get to know the strengths and weaknesses of your website. It could be a technical error, spammy or broken links, traffic loss for certain keywords, unnecessary external links, etc. The comprehensive audit of your website briefs you about the areas you lack and provides key recommendations to improve your visibility on the SERPs.

Keep an eye on your competitors :

With the market upgrading itself online, the competition is increasing every second and so it is necessary to have complete knowledge about the competitions. SEO audit gives you insight into why competitors are outranking you and what to do about it. With an SEO Audit, you can find their high ranking keywords, their backlink sources and content gap, etc.

Keep up with the changing algorithm :

In order to have a seamless search process, you need to set a special focus on your SEO. The algorithms of search engines keep changing periodically to improve their user experience. Thus it is important to get an SEO Audit since it will provide proper strategies and key factors to keep up with algorithms. It is necessary to check whether your links do not go against the given guidelines and your website does not have any black hat methods which can get your website penalized.

Address website errors :

It addresses the errors on your website when you perform a website audit. The comprehensive analysis digs in and finds errors like thin or repetitive content, crawling & indexing errors, broken links, etc, and then briefs with solutions that help to make the website as user-friendly as possible so that your website ranks higher on the search engines. 

Helps set priorities, makes SEO strategies :

Prioritizing and setting goals is one of the main aspects of a business. SEO Audit helps you set your priorities right. It guides you to focus on aspects that will lead you forward and eliminate the hurdles on the way. The SEO Audit also helps you build strategies like, analyzing your content and highlighting keywords that performed well, identifying better backlink sources for link building strategy and eliminating technical errors, that will tackle your needs firmly and make sure that your website is more user-friendly which will hence attract healthier traffic to your website.     

Value proposition of SEO Audit services that we provide

Now that we have cleared what is SEO Audit and why it is important, let us talk about the services that we provide to our clients. 

Technical SEO Audit:

Having a technically sound website is the most critical aspect of search engine rankings. A single technical error on your site might cost you thousands of visitors. A technical audit is performed to ensure the robust health of your website. Technical SEO audit, focuses on technical aspects that need to be fixed to enable search engines to crawl and index your site to attain organic rankings. It improves page authority, navigation of web pages, user experience, and possibly your rankings. Google Search Console helps in identifying technical errors of your website and help build strategies to eliminate them. 

Our Technical Audit Consist: 

  • Extensive Technical audit which includes 250+ Checkpoints for your website 
  • Solutions guide for Developers
  • Strategic solutions Bot logs analysis + Crawl optimization
  • Page speed & Core web vital analysis 
  • Internal linking analysis & solutions 
Content Audit:

A content audit is an organized document of all content of your website that allows you to analyze and improve existing content for maximum growth. After all, great content makes visitors turn into conversions, with help from SEO. It includes optimizing, updating, creating, repurposing, or even deleting content to improve marketing efforts.

A content audit seeks opportunities where you can further resonate with your target audience. And by utilizing effective SEO tactics, also increases the reach of your sites and improves your ranking

Our Content Audit Consist: 

  • Identify duplicate & Thin content 
  • Content performance audit – using GA and other tools
  • Content models (using competition scan, NLP algorithms & data entities)
  • Scalable content solutions
  • A data-driven content strategy that ranks
Link Audit:  

It is important to know how your backlink profile looks in the eye of Google, as it assesses the domains that link to yours when determining rank. A Link Audit not only identifies and removes spammy/low-quality links but also allows you to discover links opportunities to incorporate into your link-building strategy. We provide detailed information about your backlinks with the help of Semrush

Our Link Audit Consist:

  • Complete Backlink Analysis: Verification of all Inbound links.
  • Google Penalty Prevention and Removal.
  • Disavowing harmful & spammy links. 
  • Running A comprehensive Competitor Backlink Analysis
  • Outreach campaigns for link removal

Why opting for an SEO audit service by Indian Marketers?

Now that we have spoken about why an SEO Audit is important for your website and how it improves the efforts taken by you, the last question that people have is where to find the right company who can help? Indian Marketers are the ideal place to look for help. Our Audit process not only deals with technical solutions but also debunks content on your website and the details of your services and also provides help with the spammy, broken, and unnecessary links that help you with the website. With the SEO Audit Services and marketing strategy offered by Indian Marketers, you can increase the visibility and ranking of your website. With more than 250 checkpoints, a solution guide for developers, data-driven content strategy to complete link profile strategy, Indian Marketers delivers the finest of the results with experienced professionals and proper research.